Monday, November 14, 2011

newyork newspapers

New York city latest

cain accusers former boyfriend says they all met mid trail declared at NYC parking assault trail Chelsea  Clinton is hired by NBC news  dershowitz  papers available to researchers in NYC titans falcons game Sunday gets later start on CBS cain accusers ex boyfriend corroborates story.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

my dog

one time i was walking to my friend house and someone was calling my phone and at first i didn't pick up because i didn't know who it was so i finally picked up and someone said that my dog just got hit by a car and i got so scared so i told my friend and we rush to the hospital i didn't know what to do so we rushed to the hospital and i saw my dog it looked so bad and i was crying because that was my first dog that i ever had and so the doctor came out and said that  he will be OK i was so happy thank god.